Archive for the ‘Rant’ Category

Ultra Wimps and Whiners: Kindly Fuck Off

I apologize in advance if the language, lack of political correctness, or content of this article offends you.  Oh?  Wait as second… no I don’t.  If you are offended by the language, content, or lack of political correctness in this article – YOU are the problem.  If you don’t like it: fuck you, piss off, […]


Nobody’s Perfect

The many crazy, wonderful people that I have met while running or volunteering at ultras have overwhelmingly been of extremely high character and integrity.  They have also shown a willingness to share and sacrifice in ways that may actually make things harder on themselves in order to help someone else reach their goals.  Ultrarunners are […]


The Stereotypical Ultrarunner

In the five or so years I have been running ultras, I have seen quite a few changes.  The first, and most noticeable, is the massive increase in popularity.  In 2010, ultras (in the Midwest anyway) were somewhat few and far between.  A runner might have to travel 6 hours or more to find a […]


“Should I call the WAAAAAAAAMbulance?” OR “I got a booboo!”

While working on the next part in a series of Prairie Spirit 100 blog entries I am affectionately calling “A Series of Snowfortunate Events”, I began to notice a bubbling cauldron of horseshit on social media that I have to call out.  It seems that there is some serious whining going on.  People are whining […]


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